Facilities Task Force

This page provides information on the activities of the Facilities Task Force (FTF) as it prepares church membership to make the decision to renovate existing church facilities or to relocate and build new church facilities.  Included below are subpages for Capital Fund Campaign information, General Information  pertaining to all facilities and all options, specific information on Renovating, and specific information on Relocating.


The genesis of the Facilities Task Force (FTF) were two church-wide Vision & Master Plan meetings held in March and June 2009.  At the May 2010 Church Council meeting, the establishment of a task force to address maintenance of church facilities was approved and on August 2, 2010 the first meeting of the Facilities Task Force was held.  Over the next year, feedback from internal questionnaires was gathered and external information was collected.  The result of this information gathering was a church-wide presentation (see Directional Decision presentation below) on October 15, 2011.  At this meeting, church membership authorized the FTF to explore the option of relocating and building a new church (see attached meeting minutes below).