Historical Archives

As part of our 130th Anniversary in 1996, we dug into the archives to share with you some of our rich history:

1891 History of Main Street Church

1895 Church Directory

Main Street News Clippings

Methodism in Nashua

In 1981-1982, J. Lawrence Hall compiled the book: Methodism in Nashua. This book documents the history of Methodism in Nashua an dis available in the church library.

2015 Renovation - A Vision Realized

Outline of Historical Events at Main Street UMC

1868 Main Street Church was dedicated July 22, 1868.

1898 Arlington Street Methodist Church organized.

1920 Major renovations to Main Street--new entrances to the building, floors and installation 

 of our beautiful memorial stained glass windows.

1944 Steeple was removed as slate shingles were starting to fall off and the state of the 

  timbers was questionable.

1948 Installation of new chancel area and Casavant organ, plus remodeling and decorations of 

 church rooms. Kitchen was expanded to its present size and a stage was built where the offices now are.

1950 Dedication of the Casavant organ "in loving memory of Allen F. Barker and his wife Emma." 

  The organ had 1768 pipes, ranging from 16 feet to 3/16 inches.

1956 A 7,000 gallon oil tank was purchased and buried in the front yard to replace tanks 

  under the church building.

1957 Excavation under the present building to form Fellowship Hall and kindergarten room plus storage.

1965 Purchase of the Wesley Building for church school space, plus the five stores and parking area.

1972 Construction of the chapel and offices.

1975 Church voted to remain downtown, to serve all the area, and to renovate not rebuild. 

  Insulated whole church, new roof.

1977 Church vestry and first floor redecorated and refurbished church parlor. Wesley 

      building redecorated and work done on plumbing, electrical, and heating systems.

1978 Completed Wesley Building renovation and started Parsonage. Redecorated basement 

  floor area of church.

1981 Church heating converted to gas. Stained-glass windows covered with lexan for protection. 

  Major roof repairs to the stores.

1983 Rev. Ralph Bruce became the MSUMC pastor for the next nine years.

1986 Steeple replaced and handicap accessibility lift installed.

1992 Wesley Building renovated.

1992 Rev. Dave Svenson became the MSUMC pastor for the next eight years.

2000 Rev. Lenora Sue Job became the MSUMC pastor for the next eight years.

2008 Rev. Gwen Purushotham became the MSUMC pastor for the next three years with 

  Pastor Dave as interim pastor until 2012.

2012 Rev. Rich Cullen became the MSUMC pastor.

2013 Church again voted to remain downtown to serve as the heart in the heart of Nashua.

2015 Construction of the connector approved, stores demolished, and Wesley Building roof replaced.

2017 A new projection system for the sanctuary was given by Ian Clarke-Pounder in memory of his 

  wife Brenda. The family of Nonny Egbuonu contributed to the new audio system.

2018 Jerry Harrow, Kelly Rose, and Ted Luszey helped to set up and debug the visual and audio systems.

2018 The new two-story connector with an elevator was dedicated on May 20.

Pastors of Main Street United Methodist Church

1868 Ebenezer Smith

1869 George Bowler

1869-71 Angelo Canolli

1871-74 Varnum A. Cooper

1874 Charles Shelly

1876-79 Charles E. Hall

1876-79 J. R. Day

1882 Dr. P. D. Raymond

1884 J. M. Frost

1885 James H. Haines

1888-91 J. Z. Armstrong

1891-95 Dr. C. W. Rowley

1896-99 J. M. Durell

1900-02 Elwin Hitchcock

1903-06 F. C. Rogers

1907-14 E. C. Strout

1915 T. E. Cramer

1916-22 E. A. Durham

1923-25 Harry B. Hill

1926-28 F. W. Smith

1929-35 J. R. Copplestone

1936-41 J. M. Armistead

1941-47 Dr. Edward H. Brewster

1948-55 J. Norman Barrett

1956-61 Edward A. Milley

1962-70 Ernest R. Drake

1971-73 Donald H. McAninch

1974-83 Philip A. Crane

1983-92 Ralph Bruce

1992-2000 David Svenson

2000-2008 Lenora Sue Job 

2008-2011 Gwen Purushotham

2011-2012 David Svenson, Interim

2012-2020 Richard A. Cullen

2020- Kelly Turney